The 10 Commandments

Robin Chappell
8 min readJul 18, 2024

— and Why Most Christians Break Them

With the Christian Reich setting us up to take over the Country fully and completely in the name of their Cause and Resident Trumpfeo, they are taking their “bold initiatives” like putting the 10 Commandments into classrooms to begin their (literal) Offensive. There are States now proclaiming that The Bible needs to be taught in Public School classrooms.

This is prelude to smashing the whole idea of “public school education” into pieces, as they mandate (yes, Mandate) that the ONLY schools that will soon be allowed are Christian ones, and that those Christian Indoctrination Schools will be ‘publicly funded’ (yes with Our Tax Dollars).

Of course, They’re against Taxes, but they will use our Tax Dollars for Their ‘edication[sic]’ agenda.

Never mind that that document that the US of A was founded on — the Constitution — strictly forbids this sort of Indoctrination to be allowed in the public venue of schools. These wonderful ‘Believers’ somehow think that the Founding Fathers believed in and would have ‘support’ their movement and It’s ‘Ideals,’ but that’s the farthest from the truth that we can go.

First of all, I don’t really think that most “Christians” even know about what their religion really teaches, must less follow those edicts. If that were the case, most of them…



Robin Chappell

I Think, and I Know Things. I Create, Therefore I Am. Multi-Disciplinary Creative. Author of the Collection of Short Stories “Dreams, Desires, and Dead Ends.”